- 䩶怎么读:chǎn chěng
- 䩶字拼音:chan、cheng
- 䩶的注音:ㄔㄢˇ ㄔㄥˇ
- 䩶的部首:革部
- 䩶的笔画:19画
- 䩶的笔顺:一丨丨一丨フ一一丨フ丨丨一丨フ一丨一丶
- 笔顺读写:横竖竖横竖折横横竖折竖竖横竖折横竖横捺
- 䩶字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:saddle and rein etc. for the imperial carriage; or for the two outside horses of a team of four a
𩀲(san,sǎn) 鞱(tao,tāo) 鞲(gou,gōu) 鞴(bei,bèi) 鞵(xie,xié) 鞶(pan,pán) 鞷(ge,gé) 鞸(bi bing,bì bǐng) 鞹(kuo,kuò) 鞾(xue,xuē) 䩶(chan cheng,chǎn chěng) 䩹(e,é) 䩻(ba,bà) 䩼(feng,féng) 𩋩(zhi,zhì) 𩌄(chou zhou,chǒu zhōu) 𩌆(suo,suǒ) 韛(bai,bài) 韜(tao,tāo) 韝(gou,gōu) 韟(gao,gāo) 韠(bi,bì) 韡(wei,wěi)