- 㦺怎么读:rǔ rù
- 㦺字拼音:ru
- 㦺的注音:ㄖㄨˇ ㄖㄨˋ
- 㦺的部首:戈部
- 㦺的笔画:14画
- 㦺的笔顺:一ノ一一フノ丶一丨丶一フノ丶
- 笔顺读写:横撇横横折撇捺横竖捺横折撇捺
- 㦺字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:a lance with two points, a halberd with a crescent -shaped blade; weapons used in ancient times,
赫(he,hè) 䞓(cheng,chēng) 䞔(wei,wěi) 𧹣(han,hān) 截(jie,jié) 戬(jian,jiǎn) 戧(qiang qiang,qiāng qiàng) 戨(ge,gē) 戩(jian,jiǎn) 戫(yu,yù) 㦺(ru ru,rǔ rù) 𢧢(ji,jǐ) 𢧤(zhi,zhì) 𢧥(qian,qiān) 𢧦(han,hàn) 𢧧(ge,gé) 𢧮(can,cán) 瘦(shou,shòu) 瘟(wen,wēn) 瘩(da da,dá da)