- 㡔怎么读:wù mù
- 㡔字拼音:wu、mu
- 㡔的注音:ㄨˋ ㄇㄨˋ
- 㡔的部首:巾部
- 㡔的笔画:12画
- 㡔的笔顺:フ丶フ丨ノノ一ノ丶丨フ丨
- 笔顺读写:折捺折竖撇撇横撇捺竖折竖
- 㡔字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:oiled calico, varnish-cloth used to cover the cross-bean in front of the shafts of a carriage
幂(mi,mì) 幄(wo,wò) 帿(hou,hóu) 幀(zhen,zhēn) 幁(zheng,zhèng) 幃(wei,wéi) 幆(yi,yì) 幇(bang,bāng) 幈(ping,píng) 幉(die,dié) 㡏(tou shu,tóu shū) 㡑(qiao,qiǎo) 㡒(zhun,zhūn) 㡔(wu mu,wù mù) 㡖(chuang,chuáng) 骗(pian,piàn) 骚(sao sao,sāo sǎo) 骛(wu,wù) 骘(zhi,zhì) 骙(kui,kuí)