- 㹐怎么读:chóng zhòu
- 㹐字拼音:chong、zhou
- 㹐的注音:ㄔㄨㄥˊ ㄓㄡˋ
- 㹐的部首:牛部
- 㹐的笔画:15画
- 㹐的笔顺:ノノ丨ノ丶ノ丶丨一ノ丶ノ一一丨
- 笔顺读写:撇撇竖撇捺撇捺竖横撇捺撇横横竖
- 㹐字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:to tow a boat against the current in swift stream from the bank; to track a boat in the shallow a
𤗭(xia,xiā) 𤗯(cui,cuī) 犘(ma,má) 犚(wei,wèi) 犛(mao li,máo lí) 㹌(chan sheng,chǎn shèng) 㹍(di du,dí dú) 㹎(lei,léi) 㹏(jin,jǐn) 㹐(chong zhou,chóng zhòu) 𤛊(la,lā) 𤛍(cui,cuī) 𤛎(min,mǐn) 𤛏(cu,cǔ) 𤛐(ou,ōu) 𤛑(yong,yōng) 犙(san,sān) 獎(jiang,jiǎng) 獘(bi,bì)