- 㔿怎么读:zòu
- 㔿字拼音:zou
- 㔿的注音:ㄗㄡˋ
- 㔿的部首:卩部
- 㔿的笔画:3画
- 㔿的笔顺:一フ丨
- 笔顺读写:横折竖
- 㔿字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:a tally, like fitting the two halves of a tally, to petition the emperor that ..., to play music;
叉(cha cha cha,chā chá chǎ) 干(gan gan,gān gàn) 士(shi,shì) 飞(fei,fēi) 千(qian,qiān) 卂(xun,xùn) 卄(nian,niàn) 广(guang an,guǎng ān) 土(tu,tǔ) 凡(fan,fán) 凢(fan,fán) 凣(fan,fán) 卫(wei,wèi) 卪(jie,jié) 㔿(zou,zòu) 亡(wang wu,wáng wú) 亿(yi,yì) 川(chuan,chuān) 尸(shi,shī) 𡰣(shi,shī) 丫(ya,yā) 丬(pan,pán) 寸(cun,cùn) 夕(xi,xī) 巾(jin,jīn)